give now
Your donation is a unique opportunity to be recognized in the community as a supporter of the Fruitport Community School District and the Fruitport Education Foundation. Your donation will benefit all students in the school district by funding innovative classroom programs to enhance learning. You will be able to see your investment at work immediately as education enhancement mini-grants are awarded by the Foundation board of directors each fall and student scholarships for higher education each spring.
You can help the Fruitport Education Foundation further its mission in the development and implementation of educational programs and scholarships by donating now, showing present and future Fruitport students that you believe in them and their unlimited potential. Contributions are deductible for federal income tax purposes. Your gift not only enhances opportunities for Fruitport students but also provides YOU with favorable tax benefits. Please consider sending a donation today:
Fruitport Education Foundation
3255 E. Pontaluna Road
Fruitport, MI 49415
Donations to the Foundation will make a profound difference to our students and will support Fruitport Community Schools in its quest for enhancing academic excellence, making our community an attractive place to live, work and attend school. We sincerely appreciate your support.
Donate Online
To make an online donation to the Fruitport Education Foundation, please click the link below for access to the Community Foundation for Muskegon County page. To donate, follow the "donate now" link below and select "Scholarship/Education" in the Area of Interest box and "Fruitport Education Foundation" in the Specific Fund(s) box.
Thank you for helping us help our students!
Donate Now to the Fruitport Education Foundation
You can help the Fruitport Education Foundation further its mission in the development and implementation of educational programs and scholarships by donating now, showing present and future Fruitport students that you believe in them and their unlimited potential. Contributions are deductible for federal income tax purposes. Your gift not only enhances opportunities for Fruitport students but also provides YOU with favorable tax benefits. Please consider sending a donation today:
Fruitport Education Foundation
3255 E. Pontaluna Road
Fruitport, MI 49415
Donations to the Foundation will make a profound difference to our students and will support Fruitport Community Schools in its quest for enhancing academic excellence, making our community an attractive place to live, work and attend school. We sincerely appreciate your support.
Donate Online
To make an online donation to the Fruitport Education Foundation, please click the link below for access to the Community Foundation for Muskegon County page. To donate, follow the "donate now" link below and select "Scholarship/Education" in the Area of Interest box and "Fruitport Education Foundation" in the Specific Fund(s) box.
Thank you for helping us help our students!
Donate Now to the Fruitport Education Foundation